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Inquisitor Madness Deck Tech

Hey Guys! Welcome back to the Mandalorian HQ and welcome to our very first Deck Tech! Today we are looking at a deck that I’m fondly calling “Inquisitor Madness”.





2x Rend

First let’s talk about the deck overall, and then we’ll move onto specific cards and how to play/mulligan.


When both of these characters were announced, they were written off as weaker versions of existing cards. One reason being that the inquisitor was “simply not as good as Darth Vader”. Now I agree that the sith lord is better in a vacuum than the Inquisitor, but we do not play Destiny in a vacuum. Seventh Sister is a great character with an ability that has the potential to be exponentially good, and the fact that she gives the inquisitor a 4 dice melee damage start is awesome. The Inquisitor’s 2 focus is huge when facing powerful mill decks like Thrawn/Unkar because it saves you from discarding to reroll.

Overall, the deck seems very good in the current meta. As mentioned above, Inquisitor’s focus helps against mill decks which are on the rise. The ancient lightsaber/lightsaber pull combo allows to heal frequently and continuously against high damage decks. The deck can output damage almost as fast as the best aggro decks but has better late game potential with a loaded Inquisitor or Sister. I am, so far, undefeated with this deck on both TTS and in my local area in 30+ games. I have fought against Cad/Phasma, Thrawn/Unkar, Blue Hero, Vader/X, Nines/X, and more.


The deck is by no means perfect (yet) and I still have quite a bit of testing still to do. I do believe, however, that this list of cards is pretty close to optimal and I’ll share my thoughts on it here.


This battlefield is perfect for the inquisitor. It allows you to resolve his three damage sides when you spent all your resources on an upgrade or removal and it also does not usually benefit your opponent.


The upgrade suit in this deck is fairly standard for a mono blue deck. Vibroknife, Makashi Training, Ancient Lightsaber, and Force Speed go into almost any blue deck. The odd man out here is the ID9 Seeker Droid which is a very uncommon sight in a competitive deck. It is a no-brainer here, however, because of the Seventh Sister’s ability. I have had many games in which I had a Seventh Sister loaded with 2 ID9s late game and rolled out 8 damage. Grand Inquisitor’s Lightsaber also synergizes well but may be cut due to its cost.


The events in this deck are fairly straightforward as well but have some interesting and unique uses here. Doubt, Sound the Alarm, Overconfidence, Deflect, Clash, Isolation, and Manipulate are standard removal cards. In addition, Clash can be used to turn one of your powerful melee dice to the right side. Manipulate is also one of the best cards for the Inquisitor because it creates a prime target for the Inquisitors special and forces them to immediately reroll.

Enrage is very standard in blue but I can’t stress enough how good it is. Dealing one damage to the character the opponent isn’t focusing to be able to resolve the three for a resource side is huge. Rend is an auto include in almost every deck as a meta call. It’s especially important in this deck to remove imperial inspection which rips this deck apart. It’s important to note that I strayed from a holocron package in this deck due to the existence of Rend which could shut this deck down completely if the opponent got it early.

Lightsaber Pull is being slotted in every blue deck these days but I’d like to bring up a really cool point here. Combined with Ancient Lightsaber, Lightsaber Pull has the potential to be fantastic. On more than one occasion I have played Ancient Lightsaber, rolled and resolved the die, healed with the ability, and then Lightsaber Pulled it back to my hand so I have it for the next turn. In this way you can heal 8+ damage from your characters.


The Mulligan for this deck is fairly straightforward. I generally look for a two cost upgrade in my opening hand along with some removal and a combo piece like Clash or Manipulate. I will always keep an ID9 if I draw it because it is fantastic turn one. Ancient Lightsaber or Vibroknife would also be good options. If you’re facing a potential Imperial Inspection deck, you want to look for Rend early so that you can get your upgrades out with no fear.


This deck is relatively easy to pick up and play. It doesn’t have many really deep combos that can’t be found on the surface level. It does, like any deck, take a lot of practice to master. Here are some tips from my 30+ games with the deck.

I always play an upgrade turn 1 unless I need to remove a powerful die or they played an Imperial Inspection. I will always Enrage early so that I have a resource handy for removal or damage resolution when I need it. I always play ID9s on Seventh Sister. This may cause the opponent to attack the Sister first (which is ok with me) but if they don’t, she will be a late game beast. I always roll my character with Ancient Lightsaber and resolve the die before using the ability unless I absolutely must use it to save my character. I never reroll focuses. They allow you to turn huge numbers of your other powerful dice to any side.

PSA about Ancient Lightsaber:

I’ve consistently seen people play Ancient Lightsaber poorly and would like to spread the word about a better way to use the card. The setup is that someone has Ancient Lightsaber in their hand and one health character left and chooses to roll in because they “need to roll in first” instead of playing it. I believe this is a mistake. Often, the opponent rolls in and rolls enough damage to kill your character. If you had played Ancient Lightsaber instead as your first action you could have healed 2 before they resolve their dice and saved your character.


In summary, this is a deck that I really love in EaW. I feel that it has real potential against many of the meta decks out there right now. As mentioned above, I am undefeated in 30+ games against a variety of decks and people. I’m really glad that it is doing well and I am proud and happy to be sharing it with you today. Please test it out and let me know what you think!

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Thanks for reading!

-NickTheBug; Mandalorian HQ

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